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Sweet Potato Biscuits with Bacon & Thyme. Oh yeah.

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When we were in NYC last summer, we went to the Clinton Street Baking Company and ate an incredible goat cheese and herb scone (in addition to the best pancakes EVER).

When we got home from our trip, I immediately started googling in search for a similar recipe to recreate them. Well, I didn’t find a goat cheese and herb scone recipe, but I did find a recipe for Sweet Potato Biscuits with Bacon & Thyme.

Sweet potatoes? One of my favorite foods ever. Bacon? Um, yes please. I don’t think I will ever give up bacon. And thyme is just delicious. These scones have become one of our favorite brunch menu items.

DSC_0864-6This is my picture but the delectable recipe below came from Pinch My Salt (which is definitely a blog worth checking out…extensively.:))

Sweet Potato Biscuits with Bacon and Thyme

2 C. Bisquick baking mix
4 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
1 heaping teaspoon fresh chopped thyme leaves
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup mashed sweet potato
1 T. brown sugar
all purpose flour for dusting counter

  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Dust a  counter top lightly with flour.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine baking mix, bacon, and chopped thyme. In a separate bowl, whisk together the sweet potato, milk, and brown sugar.
  3. Pour wet mixture into dry mixture and stir until just combined.
  4. Dump mixture out onto a floured counter and knead a few times just to finish mixing the dough.
  5. Pat out into a circle about 1/2 inch thick.  Cut biscuits and arrange them on a parchment-lined baking sheet [I used my Silpat].
  6. Bake at 450 degrees for 8 – 10 minutes until just lightly browned on top.
  7. Enjoy warm with a little butter.

Yield: 8-10 small biscuits [I used a plastic cup to cut them out since I don’t have a biscuit cutter and got 6 medium-largish biscuits]

Recipe notes: To make 1/2 cup of mashed sweet potatoes, peel one smallish sweet potato, cut it into chunks, and boil it for about 15 minutes until fork tender. Just make sure that it’s tender enough not to leave little chunks in your biscuits and mash it up well! 

My notes:

  • I haven’t made these with fresh thyme. I’ve used dried ground thyme because I had it already; I’m sure they are lots better with the real stuff [but trust me they are still extremely tasty if you use dried]. I used about 1/2 t. ground thyme, but think it would probably be better with a little more.
  • Sometime I’m going to experiment to find a way to make these without Bisquick and perhaps throw some whole wheat pastry flour into the mix. I hate buying mixes and think the whole wheat could add more depth to the flavor.
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    19 responses to “Sweet Potato Biscuits with Bacon & Thyme. Oh yeah.”

    1. Ohhh the huz will love these!!! You’re so good at posting about 1 topic..where as my posts go on + on + on…lol. I just can’t stop and I have a hard time leaving things out. Silly!!! Love your bloggie!! <3
      .-= Ashley´s last blog ..ex.cite.ment. =-.

      • hahaha. the one topic posts are a result of many things, including my lack of time to do lengthy posts! 🙂

    2. Ummm yea…these look like something out of the bakery down the street! Fab my friend!

      I wish I was able to eat wheat…I feel I am missing out on so much 🙁 I will pass this along to my friends who do eat wheat, they will love it!

      .-= Kris |´s last blog ..Tropical Island Eats =-.

      • I bet a gluten-free version wouldn’t be too hard to figure out with all the different flours out there these days. Perhaps I’ll attempt it for you sometime! 🙂

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